
7. Non-binary child says treatment is harmful

In this episode, I respond to a parent whose child is non-binary. They are struggling in a day treatment program, which they say perpetuates microaggressions and is harmful. I address some of the challenges in getting eating disorder treatment for a non-binary child and provide some recommendations for finding treatment that affirms their gender whileContinue reading “7. Non-binary child says treatment is harmful”

5. Grandma keeps talking about weight & diets

In this episode, I respond to a parent whose mother-in-law makes frequent comments about other people’s weight and diets. Since her daughter is in eating disorder treatment, this focus on weight and diets is problematic. I give mom some ways to think about grandma’s behavior and then provide a script that will set a clearContinue reading “5. Grandma keeps talking about weight & diets”

4. Should I pull my daughter out of residential treatment?

In this episode, I respond to a mom who is getting calls from her daughter who is in an a residential/inpatient treatment facility for an eating disorder. The calls are stressful and the mom is ready to go and pull her daughter out. I share a technique for making the decision to keep her daughterContinue reading “4. Should I pull my daughter out of residential treatment?”

3. Son is binge eating – what to do?

In this episode, I respond to a dad who is worried about his son, who is eating a lot and sneaking food. He’s wondering whether this is binge eating and, if so, what he should do about it. I ask a lot of questions about food structure, restriction, weight, and what’s considered “normal” and “healthy.” Continue reading “3. Son is binge eating – what to do?”

2. Intermittent fasting – healthy or not?

In this episode, I respond to a mom who is worried about her daughter, who had anorexia and is now practicing intermittent fasting. The mom is understandably concerned, so I address whether intermittent fasting can be “intuitive” and also whether it can be healthy.  If you want help dealing with intermittent fasting, schedule a consultationContinue reading “2. Intermittent fasting – healthy or not?”